Phil Ivey Poker and why he’s the best

Phil Ivey Poker and how he plays

Almost everyone agrees that Phil Ivey is among the best poker players on the planet. This is up for debate, as many players would tell you he’s perhaps best at ring games, but he’s not one of the greatest when it comes to tourneys. Needless to say, everyone can agree that Phil Ivey is one of the best on the planet and we all wish we could play some Phil Ivey Poker.

How did Phil Ivey get to the point he’s at now? Well, if you talk to Phil Ivey himself he’ll tell you it’s because he practices and practices and practices some more. When he’s not playing poker, he’s thinking about it. Phil Ivey will tell you the exact words he told me: “Play a lot, and when you’re not playing, think a lot about the game.”. So how can you become one of the big poker greats? It takes a certain kind of person to become one of the biggest greats. There’s lots of good books regarding the secrets to making a living with poker.

Any individual can play poker. You’d be surprised, anyone can make a good living playing poker. It takes a certain kind of personality to become one of the biggest greats. Whether those personality traits be patience, a cool temper, dedication or all of the above, you need a little something that many ordinary folks may not have.

Keep playing poker and keep studying the game and you’ll start making a comfortable living whether it be with your own style or Phil Ivey poker.

So what exactly is Phil Ivey poker? Well, it’s a certain style of play. If you’ve watched much poker on television you’ve probably noticed that Phil Ivey has a unique aggressive/random play style. A lot of players try to avoid getting into pots with Phil completely. Not just because he’s one of the greats, but because they know that it’s extremely hard to play against such an aggressive style of play unless you actually hit something on the flop or get lucky on the turn or river.

Phil Ivey poker is a great way to play poker in all variations. If there’s one television poker giant we would suggest studying and if not mimicking, it would be Phil Ivey. There’s no doubt the other poker giants are great players. But it’s no mistake that Phil Ivey is so widely respected among poker players and watchers alike.

For more information on how to become a winning poker player click here

More on Phil Ivey Poker

Read more about Phil Ivey poker here

And even more on Phil Ivey poker down here!

The last link about Phil Ivey poker

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